IV. Intellectual Property
The content and design of rustysparrowdesign.com, as well as any other material related to it sent to you via email or provided to you by any other means (e.g., articles, designs, product descriptions, and any other materials), belong to the Company and/or its collaborators (copyright) where explicitly specified and are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use, reproduce, or allow anyone else to use or reproduce rustysparrowdesign.com materials without obtaining prior written permission from the Company.
You may not use frames or framing techniques for trademarks, logos, or other copyright-protected information (including images, texts, videos, interfaces, and forms) on rustysparrowdesign.com without obtaining prior written permission from the Company.
Limited, revocable, and non-exclusive hyperlinks to the rustysparrowdesign.com homepage are allowed, as long as they do not present rustysparrowdesign.com in a false, misleading, derogatory, or offensive manner. You may not use the company logo or other graphics or trademarks as part of hyperlinks without obtaining prior written permission from the Company.
VI. Personal Data
By registering as a user of rustysparrowdesign.com, we will request various personal data, such as name, email address, date of birth, and other personal information that allows us to identify you as a user of the rustysparrowdesign.com service. Also, to subscribe to the rustysparrowdesign.com newsletter or alerts, you will need to provide a valid email address and other information related to you. Please access the Privacy Policy page to inform yourself about the information collected by rustysparrowdesign.com, how it is used, and your rights regarding privacy protection.
VII. Purchase Procedure
To purchase and receive the products offered for sale on rustysparrowdesign.com, you must follow the following steps:
- Identify and select the products.
- Register as a user on rustysparrowdesign.com
- Payment for the products can be made online or via bank transfer/payment order, as regulated in Chapter VII. The final price of the product does not include VAT, with the exception of European Union member states, along with their respective applicable rates for each member state, delivery costs, and, if applicable, the green tax, in accordance with the provisions of the law.
- The delivery of the ordered and paid products will be accompanied, if applicable, by the warranty certificate, the certificate regarding the post-sale service provided by the manufacturer/importer/distributor, and/or other certificates, if applicable.
- By placing an electronic or phone order on rustysparrowdesign.com, you agree to the form of communication (phone or email) through which the Site carries out its operations. Your telephone number might also be needed for the delivery service.